Rhino PlanesWe always take pride in our comprehensive customer success team and are always reaching above and beyond our customers’ expectations. This year we’ve enhanced our customer service more than ever before.

A new client of Rhino Fleet Tracking, who operates a large senior care facility, called for some help making their reporting process easier.  They were able to pull all the information they needed from the system, but they had to combine 3 different reports and tediously stitch them together.

Dealing with mileage, insurance, hospitals, and other businesses really calls for some detailed reporting so that everyone can stay on the same page. They wanted to know if we could create a custom report that would combine all the information into one document.

We knew this was something we could accomplish but wanted to get a closer understanding of their needs before we dug in.  So, we sent our head of development and a customer success manager directly to them!

Two Rhinos on a plane all the way to South Carolina!

Once there, they could directly hear the needs of the business and they create a solution for the customer on the spot.

In just a few days together they built a plan for a custom report, that our developers were able to implement for them within just a few days.  The customer now saves hours of time and has all of the information they need to make their business run more smoothly than ever!

Our Rhinos returned home safely and both they and the customer couldn’t stop raving about the experience.

It’s not always custom reporting, or a new client that inspires change. Most of the time it’s a simple question.

What can we do for you?

Call Rhino Fleet Tracking today at 800-293-0420 or fill out the form below.