Utilizing GPS Tracking to Energize Your Fleet
The utilities industry keeps facilities across the country running at optimal capacity and efficiency. For this reason, having employees organized and positioned correctly is especially critical for delivering timely and efficient service. Utility service providers must be prepared to deal not only with scheduled appointments, but also unexpected emergency service calls that can have ramifications on entire communities.

Faster Reponses to Emergencies
Fuel cost is one of the most significant budget items for businesses within the utilities industry today. Fortunately, with GPS fleet tracking, utility fleet managers have the ability to monitor routes and locations of their technicians. Utility fleets that incorporate GPS fleet tracking experience a significant return on investment simply through the reduction in fuel costs. Some companies have recorded a reduction by as much as 36,000 miles in unnecessary fleet travel and $12,000 in fuel costs within the first year.
A great deal of pressure is put on the utilities industry in times of widespread emergencies or power outages. In these events, it becomes even more important to be able to move your technicians quickly from one site to another. Fleet tracking allows you to identify trouble spots in terms of traffic, dangerous weather, and other hazardous conditions, and to dispatch technicians accordingly.
Faster responses to emergencies demonstrate an understanding of the urgency of clients’ utility maintenance and emergency service needs and a commitment to customer satisfaction. With the combination of fuel savings and the increase in business generated by a reputation of excellence in customer service, you will quickly notice the benefits of utilizing fleet tracking technology.