From standard GPS fleet tracking and ELD solutions, trucking companies depend on Rhino Fleet Tracking.
When it comes to safety, knowing what a driver is doing is critical. Having a GPS tracking system is certainly a first step to ensuring safe driving speeds and driver accountability. And, unlike some other technologies, fleet and vehicle tracking is very affordable.
Trucking Costs
Costs are certainly of great concern to every trucking company. Fuel, collections, driver compensation, government regulations, and driver retention all contribute to the strains on the budgets of trucking firms.
Efficiency can be achieved a number of ways. I’m sure you are already expecting me to say that GPS tracking is of great benefit here as well. Of course it is! This might be where the GPS tracking solutions for trucking fleets shines the brightest. Being able to manage the routing and details of your trucking fleet in real time leads to incredible savings with very little outlay of capital.
Facts About ELD Systems
- The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) mandates that every US truck driver or carrier who must currently keep a paper log will have to use a compliant electronic logbook device beginning December 18, 2017.
- If a truck driver or carrier purchases a compliant AOBRD system – which was approved prior to the most recent ELD system – before December 18, 2017, the truck driver or carrier may use the AOBRD system until December 16, 2019.
- Any ELD system that a trucking carrier or driver chooses must be on the FMCSA’s approved manufacturer list as of December 18, 2017.
- ELD systems must have a mechanism by which enforcement officers can verify logs during a traffic stop. There are several options by which this may take place.
- Once ELDs are implemented, carriers will be held accountable for harassment when carriers compel drivers to violate hours of service regulations knowingly.