Cut Down on Lost Revenue with GPS Tracking
GPS fleet and equipment tracking can be a landscaping company’s best friend. Our tracking solution offers businesses the ability to increase labor productivity, reduce equipment theft, and manage government regulation and labor issues. As an employer, you will be able to use your tracking system to know how long your crews are at each job site, know how long your crews spend at stores and break locations, and know if your vehicles or equipment are out on the job after-hours.

The Cost of Stolen Equipment
With seasonal businesses like landscaping, GPS tracking can prove even more valuable because every work day has an increased importance to the success of the company. Every hour that the equipment sits idle, is stuck in transit, or is used improperly (such as moonlighting) significantly impacts the financial success of the company.
Just like any other company with a mobile workforce, the cost of lost or stolen equipment goes far beyond the price to replace what is lost. It also includes the cost of lost time in the field and jobs not completed with the replacement process takes place. A good GPS tracking solution like ours can virtually eliminate that cost.
Real Life Application – Stolen Equipment Recovered
About a year ago, a friend of one of our employees, who owns a landscaping company, had his trailer full of landscaping equipment stolen. With the zero-turn mower, push mowers, weed eaters, blowers, and trailer costs, he was out over $22,000. For whatever reason, an insurance claim wasn’t an option for him.
Our employee had already told him about our GPS tracking device options, but he had put that off. So, the new trailer and equipment were outfitted with battery-powered tracking device. A few weeks later, they were needed as his trailer was stolen again!
This time, he gave us a call, our support technician helped him in his conversations with the police and the tracking devices and service were able to lead the police to his hideout. Funny enough, our customer’s first stolen trailer was in the same storage unit where the criminal planned to store this trailer and equipment!