Keep Your Equipment Working on Schedule
Construction equipment is a huge investment, and even with insurance, damaged or lost equipment is very costly to replace in terms of money and/or time lost. Equipment trackers ensure pricey construction equipment can be recovered if stolen from the job site. Whether it’s equipment you use or equipment you rent to others, you’re taking a huge risk by not having GPS tracking on your assets.

Monitor Vehicle and Equipment Usage
When running a jobsite, two of the most important items for your bottom line are costs and time. If your vehicles need repair due to inappropriate or excessive use, that can have a significant financial cost. More importantly, if your equipment is out of commission, this can cause delays in your construction schedule that lead to cost overruns, unhappy customers, and severe financial ramifications.
GPS fleet management offers a solution for many of these potential hazards. With a GPS tracking system, you will be able to easily manage construction fleet vehicle and equipment usage to ensure that those assets are only working when are where they are scheduled to be working, thus limiting unnecessary wear and tear. Additionally, fleet tracking will help you work with authorities to quickly recover stolen assets, saving the time and hassle that comes with filing police reports and insurance claims.
Here’s a story for you from our CEO…
“Recently, I spoke with one of our customers at a fair in Fort Worth, Texas, where they were displaying their equipment. The customer told me that he was in Arkansas when he received a call from one of his drivers attempting to recover a large tractor outside of Dallas. The driver did not find the tractor where it was supposed to be. Our customer quickly logged in on his laptop from Arkansas and obtained turn-by-turn direction for his driver and found the equipment right where the GPS tracking system indicated it would be. All of this was completed within an hour. Had GPS tracking not been on the equipment, the recovery might have taken days or possibly never have happened at all.”