There is always an immediate reaction of panic when your vehicle goes missing, business or personal. However, for one Rhino Fleet Tracking user their panic became confusion quickly.
The customer, who owns a few school buses that are used at various area schools, was shocked one morning when a bus was missing and a driver didn’t show up for work. He immediately pulled up the Rhino app on his phone and saw the bus had been parked somewhere he didn’t recognize since 10pm the previous night.
There were no sports or any other reason the bus should have gone anywhere at all after returning from dropping off students after school so he took a closer look.
The bus’s location turned out to be a casino parking lot just across the state line. A few calls to his driver later – he got the full story.
See a demo of the Rhino application. See what this business owner saw.
There was a poker tournament at the casino that he and several friends wanted to enter. Not wanting to have more than one designated driver, and not wanting to pay to get hotel rooms for all of them, the driver “borrowed” his bus from work and acted as chauffer for the whole group!
He may have gotten away with it had he not been talked into a few drinks and decided it was safer to stay the night and try and sneak home early.
The owner got his bus back unharmed, though he did need to find a new driver.
He called us to tell us the story and we helped him get set up with After-Hours Alerts so that if there was a next time he would know right away.
Rhino can help you hold your employees accountable and eliminate chances of your vehicles being stolen. Give us a CALL